Plano, texas october 2, 2017 the pizza hut book it. Pizza hut has introduced a book it alumni program for adults mountain dew and breadsticks on me. Now that the program is 30 years old, pizza hut is inviting bookit alumni to come back for a personal pan pizza topped with literacy and. Signing up appears to be a rather straightforward form. Paper materials are limited and offered on a firstcome, firstserved basis through august 21 or until paper is gone. With the creation of the book it alumni page, we now have a destination to celebrate the positive memories that so many kids, now adults, have with the program, program manager shelley morehead. A pizza hut sixinch personal pan pizza has 630 calories and 27 grams of fat. She enjoys going to pizza hut to get her free personal pan pizza and sticker for her. To celebrate its 30th anniversary, pizza hut started a book it. Now that the program is 30 years old, pizza hut is inviting bookit alumni to come back for a personal pan pizza topped with literacy and nostalgia. Pizza hut also released a video featuring book it alumni, which includes a few familiar faces. Pizza hut has introduced a book it alumni club for adults. Students celebrate by redeeming their reading award certificates at pizza hut for a free, onetopping personal pan pizza, a prize and a sticker for each month they reach their reading goal, no matter how they participate.
Pizza hut sparks nostalgia among book nerds by bringing back. Alumni program in which the programs earliest participants could receive new. Free carryout personal pan pizza from pizza hut as part of. But that means those of us who remember it fondly get a. Free carryout personal pan pizza from pizza hut as part of book it alumni program. Pizza hut offers free pizza to bookit alumni consumerist. Aside from reading rainbow, children of the 80s and 90s were only motivated to read thanks to one institution.
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